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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Car problems

Last week, it was the battery. It was about as old as the car (seven years) and cost 100 for them to diagnose the problem and replace it. I wasn't too upset about this, as it was a minor repair and I hadn't spent any money on the car in awhile.

Today, it was something more serious and expensive. Forgive me if I get this wrong, but I believe they said the brake shoe broke and needed to be replaced, and also the rotor got ground due to the bad brake. I had assumed it would just need brake pads, and was dismayed to find it would total $350 to fix.

I hate dealing with cars. I don't know a lot about them, and I don't have a mechanic I completely trust. It isn't as though I think that my brake shoe didn't break (who knew brakes wore shoes?), but I just don't know if the price was $100-200 extra, or a fair deal.

Anyway, it hurts my savings goals a bit, but what is the point of having money in the bank if I'm still going to get bent out of shape about every unplanned expense?

Another new development that will detract from savings is. . . a possible trip to London in the next six months or so. I have a friend working there until March, and I'm toying with the idea of making it happen....

Strictly speaking, I "shouldn't" go until I have done all the great financial things that people do: Have a giant e-fund, max out 401k and Roth, have a fund for a house downpayment. But I'm on the right track and travel is one of my top values, and I'm comfortable with spending my money on a trip. Anyway, this is still in the initial planning stages, but hopefully, more to come.

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Car problems

Last week, it was the battery. It was about as old as the car (seven years) and cost 100 for them to diagnose the problem and replace it. I wasn't too upset about this, as it was a minor repair and I hadn't spent any money on the car in awhile.

Today, it was something more serious and expensive. Forgive me if I get this wrong, but I believe they said the brake shoe broke and needed to be replaced, and also the rotor got ground due to the bad brake. I had assumed it would just need brake pads, and was dismayed to find it would total $350 to fix.

I hate dealing with cars. I don't know a lot about them, and I don't have a mechanic I completely trust. It isn't as though I think that my brake shoe didn't break (who knew brakes wore shoes?), but I just don't know if the price was $100-200 extra, or a fair deal.

Anyway, it hurts my savings goals a bit, but what is the point of having money in the bank if I'm still going to get bent out of shape about every unplanned expense?

Another new development that will detract from savings is. . . a possible trip to London in the next six months or so. I have a friend working there until March, and I'm toying with the idea of making it happen....

Strictly speaking, I "shouldn't" go until I have done all the great financial things that people do: Have a giant e-fund, max out 401k and Roth, have a fund for a house downpayment. But I'm on the right track and travel is one of my top values, and I'm comfortable with spending my money on a trip. Anyway, this is still in the initial planning stages, but hopefully, more to come.

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Car problems

Last week, it was the battery. It was about as old as the car (seven years) and cost 100 for them to diagnose the problem and replace it. I wasn't too upset about this, as it was a minor repair and I hadn't spent any money on the car in awhile.

Today, it was something more serious and expensive. Forgive me if I get this wrong, but I believe they said the brake shoe broke and needed to be replaced, and also the rotor got ground due to the bad brake. I had assumed it would just need brake pads, and was dismayed to find it would total $350 to fix.

I hate dealing with cars. I don't know a lot about them, and I don't have a mechanic I completely trust. It isn't as though I think that my brake shoe didn't break (who knew brakes wore shoes?), but I just don't know if the price was $100-200 extra, or a fair deal.

Anyway, it hurts my savings goals a bit, but what is the point of having money in the bank if I'm still going to get bent out of shape about every unplanned expense?

Another new development that will detract from savings is. . . a possible trip to London in the next six months or so. I have a friend working there until March, and I'm toying with the idea of making it happen....

Strictly speaking, I "shouldn't" go until I have done all the great financial things that people do: Have a giant e-fund, max out 401k and Roth, have a fund for a house downpayment. But I'm on the right track and travel is one of my top values, and I'm comfortable with spending my money on a trip. Anyway, this is still in the initial planning stages, but hopefully, more to come.

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Car problems

Last week, it was the battery. It was about as old as the car (seven years) and cost 100 for them to diagnose the problem and replace it. I wasn't too upset about this, as it was a minor repair and I hadn't spent any money on the car in awhile.

Today, it was something more serious and expensive. Forgive me if I get this wrong, but I believe they said the brake shoe broke and needed to be replaced, and also the rotor got ground due to the bad brake. I had assumed it would just need brake pads, and was dismayed to find it would total $350 to fix.

I hate dealing with cars. I don't know a lot about them, and I don't have a mechanic I completely trust. It isn't as though I think that my brake shoe didn't break (who knew brakes wore shoes?), but I just don't know if the price was $100-200 extra, or a fair deal.

Anyway, it hurts my savings goals a bit, but what is the point of having money in the bank if I'm still going to get bent out of shape about every unplanned expense?

Another new development that will detract from savings is. . . a possible trip to London in the next six months or so. I have a friend working there until March, and I'm toying with the idea of making it happen....

Strictly speaking, I "shouldn't" go until I have done all the great financial things that people do: Have a giant e-fund, max out 401k and Roth, have a fund for a house downpayment. But I'm on the right track and travel is one of my top values, and I'm comfortable with spending my money on a trip. Anyway, this is still in the initial planning stages, but hopefully, more to come.